Compétence Analyse Réflexion Matérialisation Succès
Audit Management Internet Training Data Processing
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    Here are the kinds of services we can assume as to help you in domains bound to Management

    Graduated from various degrees, and having an experience acquired for near than 20 years within varied firms,
    - Either by the sectors of their activity: public utility, metallurgy, animals, estate agency, plastics, services, etc.
    - By their size: from 10 to 600 employees,
    - Or by their geographical implantation: various region of France and Italy, Spain, etc.

    The manager of the Training Department, Raphaël PETOZZI is able, alone or leading a team, to drive the missions you will charge us such as:

    • Accounting,
      • Graduated from DECS, CS Organization and Management, DESCF (French Accountancy Diplomas), “Masters” (Management, Internet, International Business, etc.), the initiator of all this project and manager of this training activity can build a specific training plan fitted for your firms, helping old minded French executives as well as young business beasts of prey to live together on a “every one winner’s agreement”, based on technical basis, and respect for the science and know-how each of them has accumulated.

    • Management,
    • Office business tools,
    • Internet,

    Our chosen targets are the small and middle firms.
    If you have a project, are motivated, and if you face an ear-phenomenon that slows your action (for example old fashioned office tools, narrow minded officers or executives, a firm in boni and endemic treasury gaps, illness of your Controller, of one of your Directors, if your desire is to have a global vision of the Web, etc.)
    we are waiting to get in touch with you. You can use "contact" on the right of the menu bar...

    See you soon...

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